Delivery & Assembly Options
Delivery & Assembly Options
Multiple ways to get your bike depending on where you live. Have the bike shipped to a local dealer for assembly, have it delivered straight to you for DIY assembly, or receive the bike fully assembled and delivered to your work or home.
Customer Care
Customer Care
Have question or want to geek out over bikes? We have a full staff in the Seattle area available to help you out.
30-Day Returns
30-Day Returns
We've done everything we can think of to make returns hassle-free - including picking up shipping costs on returns.
Diamondback products are designed to embrace the ride. We stand behind the quality and craftmanship of all our products, but realize that sometimes there are unforeseen problems. When these arise out primary goal is to get you safely back on the road.
DB Community
DB Community
Whether it's adventure riding around the world or hitting the local trails near you, we appreciate everyone who is getting out to ride no matter what your level is. Be sure to check out our DB athletes to see what adventures they are up to lately.
Product Development
Product Development
Our bikes are designed and tested by true enthusiasts - we know what you want, because we want it too!